The root of errantry is errant, to err or stray from the proper course or standards.
As its necessity diminishes, the potential for idle errantry as a critical, creative, and subversive form reifies.
In this series of work I relies upon the act of intentional errantry. Of being idle in the capitalistic sense (i.e. non-productive, inefficient). After the shutter is depressed, an “idleness” manifests itself via meditation behind the camera or performative – and invisible – wandering in the foreground.

This performance is an engagement between the body and the world and, as such, its motion becomes a simultaneous act of both resistance (to techno-social systems and algorithmic thinking (order, efficiency, productivity)) as well as a reclamation and reconnection of/with self which arises from this immersive, physical placement in the world.
This translates to an active way of shaping and being shaped by the world which operates on a scale and at a pace embedded in something more authentic (Benjamin) than the digital experiences which dominates, while also functioning as a formal investigation into the tension and harmony in generating meaning via imagery and body.