july sky eyes
It feels like the key to something had been found, turned
At last
Hair the color of moist soil
& July sky eyes
The crook of lips
The comma to hips
Afraid of the growing dark
I want to eat your light
I wonder if you smile under your mask?
Does it make it easier to lie?
Skinny tires spill East
Under a hard sun through a golden ocean
A country bigger than our problems
As we rush and revel
I thumb my brand new box of matches
Rolling on and on and on
A new West
The sun turns grey
We spin and wobble, dancing day blind stars
Headless hearts
Dry matches
Forcing myself open
I pour my indecision into you
I meet myself as a stranger
Chests heave, rise, fall, linger, and break
Sometimes, I still long for the full binge
I want to eat that light, too
I want the presence of still water
Of sky blue eyes
To be so understood, so loved
It’s elegance, it feeds, it surrounds
Passing through; settling in
I pull out my matches
& learn to make fire