6 stanzas from, for, Mary


The reckless blossom of weeds
The soft essence of vanished flowers
The brittle beauty of certainty

The particular island of this summer

We are more than blood
We are more than our hunger and yet we belong

The heavens hold a million candles, still

The silence is immense 
We expect the darkness and turn nightly from it

Not everything is possible, some things are impossible
How shall I touch you unless it is everywhere?
The perfect beginning and conclusion of our own

You do what you can if you can

Whatever the secret and the pain
Patches of cold wet fire after fire after fire

It’s white rhetoric glitters everywhere
Not a single answer has been found
Yet the walking silence and growing light under the trees feels like one

All of the above lines are taken from Mary Oliver’s seminal collection of poetry, American Primitive.

Of course, all creative brilliance goes to her – I’m repurposing, remixing, recycling, and remediating. Musical credit to the ever wonderful George Gershwin (Fascinating Rhythm, 1924), now fully ensconced within the public domain + Pixabay for the time-lapse.)